Introducing the AGS data format

Introducing the AGS data transfer format

The AGS data transfer format is a well-established and well-used method of sharing or transferring geotechnical and geoenvironmental data. In this article I will explain what it is, where it comes from, what it is used for and how it works. This is primarily intended for newcomers to the AGS format, but experienced users of AGS data may also benefit, especially in relation to the training courses I mention towards the end.
AGS data – Don’t get bitten by the byte order mark (BOM)

AGS data – Don’t get bitten by the byte order mark (BOM)

Ever had an AGS file that refuses to import, or can’t get through an AGS checker/validator, but it looks absolutely fine when you view it in a text editor? Alternatively, you have been told, perhaps by some software, that your AGS file contains something called a byte order mark. If either of these apply, then read this blog. It may save you a lot of time and stress!