
On this page we describe in more detail the work that we do and the services that we can provide. We have have presented our services under the following headings, although in practice there is a lot of overlap between them. Use the buttons below to jump straight to a particular topic.

Please do not feel constrained to only asking us about services that we have identified here. If you have a specific need and believe that we may be able to help, then please get in touch. Data/digital is a fast evolving topic and we would not be surprised to find ourselves providing services in the future that we have not even though of yet!

Data management systems & BS8574

Even with the best digital tools and knowledge, if you do not have good systems in place for data management, then at best you may be working inefficiently, and at worst you are at risk of getting things wrong.

The geotechnical industry is used to dealing with data and is generally pretty good at data management. There is even a standard for it: BS8574:2014 Code of practice for the management of geotechnical data for ground engineering projects. This gives recommendations on the management of geotechnical data throughout the life cycle of civil engineering and building projects at both an organisational and project level.

We recommend BS8574 as a starting point for a good data management system, and our data management service offering reflects this.

Specific services that we can provide include:

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BS8574 system audit

We can audit your company or project data management system against BS8574, regardless of whether you have formally adopted it or not. Our report will identify what you need to do to become fully compliant, as well as opportunities for improvement.

BS8574 system development

If you would like to proceed with updating your company or project system to full BS8574 compliance, then we can assist. In particular we can help with drafting the documentation required to meet code requirements.

BS8574 surveillance audit

For organisations or projects with established BS8574 systems, we can undertake independent surveillance audits of the system and its implementation. If required, we could also provide suggestions for continuous improvement.

Data - AGS format and beyond

A critical component of geotechnical data management is, of course, the AGS data transfer format, which is widely used here in the UK. We have particular expertise in the creation and use of AGS format data.

We believe that successful implementation of AGS data starts with a good specification, and we would be happy to help you draft your specification(s).  If you are beyond that stage, and need some assistance producing or consuming AGS data, then please get in touch as we should be able to help.

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AGS data specification

We can help client and design organisations draft specifications for AGS data that avoid some of the common pitfalls, and ensure that producers and consumers of the data are happy and on the same page.

AGS data troubleshooting

Receiving AGS data but having difficulties with it?  Struggling to make sense of legacy or archive AGS data? Got lots of data in Excel spreadsheets instead of AGS? Get in touch – we can probably help.

AGS 4.1 update

AGS version 4.1 released in late 2020 is a major revision that will require systems and software to be updated. If you are in need of some assistance with AGS 4.1 implementation, then please get in touch.

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In an increasingly digital world, AGS data is only part of the story.   Firstly, the AGS format itself is expanding. Ground models and interpreted data are now covered by AGSi which was released as beta late 2020.  There is also a draft AGS format for piling data out for industry comment.

BIM (Building Information Modelling) has been with us for some years now, and in theory all of our data management should be taking place as part of the BIM process. However, some real world implementations of BIM leave something to be desired.

Then, of course, we have today’s favourite buzz-phrase ‘Digital Twin’.

Confused? Don’t worry. You are not the only one!  If you need some advice or assistance on any of these topics then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Digital technologies / digital transformation

Everyone is talking about digital transformation these days.  This can be a scary proposition for businesses as it implies major disruptive changes and adopting new and unfamiliar technologies.  

We can help by providing independent advice on your processes, with a view to identifying the workflows and tools that will be right for your business.

We can look at any aspect of the project life cycle. Examples include:

  • ground investigation contractors compiling factual reports and providing AGS data
  • consultants or contractors interpreting data, creating reports and implementing designs
  • client organisations, receiving data and possibly implementing asset management systems
  • anyone seeking to unlock more value out of their data
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Digital health check

We will review your existing workflows and tools and will provide an independent appraisal benchmarked against industry best practice. We will identify opportunities for improvement taking into account the specific needs of your business.

Digital transformation strategy and planning

Picking up from the results of the review, we can provide guidance and assistance as you develop your strategy and detailed plans for digital transformation / improvement.  If you wish, we can also stay around to help you manage implementation.

Digital transformation implementation

Generally, our aim would be to provide guidance as you develop improved tools and processes. However, there may be situations where it makes sense for us to go further and carry out some development work on your behalf, e.g. coding or process documentation.

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Apps and software

One service that we are just starting to explore is development of apps and software. As a small demonstration of our capabilities we have created some web apps for handling AGS data that you can explore here. We have plenty of ideas for other apps.

So far we have only created web apps but we are now looking to develop desktop versions of these. Mobile apps are also on our radar.

As well as providing apps/software for general use we are also happy to work with customers to develop bespoke solutions. Please get in touch if you are interested.

Training and coaching

We can provide bespoke training in various data and/or digital subject areas, tailored to fit your needs. This could be a natural follow on from the services described above, or it could be standalone training if required.   

We anticipate that training would most likely be delivered online, either as live webinar sessions or as on-demand content. Content could be hosted on your own platform, or we could look into hosting it on your behalf. As Covid-19 restrictions are eased, we would also consider delivering classroom based sessions. 

We would also be happy to provide coaching for individuals or small groups on either a specific topic or just data/digital in general. This would take the form of a series of online meetings where we could talk through day to day issues as well as emerging industry trends and technologies.

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Digital/data specialist consultancy

On this page we have provided examples of some of the services that we can provide. However, as we said at the top please do not feel constrained by this list. If you have a specific need that is not listed but you believe that we may be able to help with, then please get in touch.

For example, if you are looking to fill a project specific geotechnical data/digital specialist role and do not have a suitable candidate in house, then we may be able to help.